We have collected an extensive list of online resources related to international health and medical missions.
The Iguana Squad is a non-profit organization providing educational and medical assistance to the people of Belize. The Iguana Squad conducts an annual mission focused on the construction of educational facilities and administering healthcare. Medical teams provide medical examinations, dental work, prescription of pharmaceuticals, distribution of eyewear and general health seminars.
The Rasin Foundation works with the people of Leogane, Haiti to improve the physical and mental health of the community. They operate a medical clinic, Le Petite-Riviere Health Center and a children wellness program, Sante Timoun, that provides nutritional, medical and psychological support to malnourished children who have lost parents during the earthquake.
The Shalom Foundation provides humanitarian assistance and financial support to children living in extreme poverty. The Medical Missions Initiative (MMI) is their strategy for addressing the health needs of children in Guatemala. This initiative includes facilitating week-long surgery trips.
This Gracious Work is dedicated to international projects and groups that help others. They helped fund a medical clinic in La Guacamaya, Honduras. Visiting teams have staffed the clinic but the goal is a self-sustaining, locally run clinic.
Sante Total conducts 4 medical missions each year to the village of Jacsonville, Haiti. Sante Total aims to empower local people to become actively engaged in the establishment of a healthcare system and is involved in the construction of a school, medical clinic and mission house.
For almost 30 years, Dr. David Nichols, DDS of the Tyler Rotary Club has been regularly leading a group of volunteers to the jungles of Belize and Guatemala to administer badly needed healthcare to the people of these Central American countries.
Un Mundo is a comprehensive development organization equipping volunteers with the skills and tools they need to implement our three-stage development plan designed to promote dignity, community, and self-sufficiency while facilitating access to health care, education, and livable wages in marginalized rural Honduran communities.
Unidad Hospitalaria Movil Latinoamérica (UHMLA) mobilizes surgeons, nurses, medical professionals and a network of volunteers to execute medical mission trips throughout Latin America, including Guatemala and Honduras.
Unto Inc. helps needy children worldwide through child sponsorship, mission teams, relief efforts, literacy programs, health initiatives, sports activities, computer training. The Dominican Republic is a focus country. Teams have built the Lighthouse School (primary and high school) and the Hospital of Hope in Los Alcarrizos. Teams have also worked at two Christian clinics, one in the La Fe area of Los Alcarrizos and the one in San Juan, near the Haitian border.
The Vamos Adelante Foundation provides education, health and nutrition services to poor people in over 18 villages in the region of Esquintla, Guatemala. They host teams at a medical clinic in Guadelupe El Zapote.
The Vassar Haiti Project provides support for the village of Chermaitre through four initiatives: education, medical access, reforestation, and water purification. The L'Acul medical clinic was built in 2009 and continues to be funded via the Vassar Haiti Project.
Vermonters volunteer in Honduras in the areas of education, health, rural development and agriculture, women and families, and others. Health projects include primary care and health training in Tegucigalpa, and a clinic in Lempira targeting at-risk women and adolescents for training in the prevention of STDs, pre-natal care, and more.
VPI operates the Mombin Crochu hospital. This facility is a small clinic with an OR and maternity/delivery room that is functional when teams come in. The facility has clinics, dental services, and some public health/outreach programs. The hospital holds around 20 people, but can be expanded when needed.
This organization has been sponsoring medical teams and providing primary health care to Haitian cane cutters in villages surrounding La Romana for over a decade. Surgical teams work at Good Samaritan Hospital. Long term programs address malnutrition of children and women’s health.
Christian organization that has deloped a concept of a Pipeline of Resources – a simple aid distribution system for medical missions – by first learning to serve one country – Guatemala.
The Virginia Hospital Center Medical Brigade conducts an annual medical/surgical mission to Comayagua, Honduras. VHC Medical Brigade also trains community healthcare workers to provide basic medical care at three clinic sites in remote mountain villages through their Remote Village Project.
Vision Health International is dedicated to the delivery of professional medical, surgical, and educational vision health care services to medically underserved populations in several countries, including Guatemala and Honduras.
The program today includes over 340 twinnings, making it the largest citizen-to-citizen network linking Haiti and the United States. Parish aid has built dispensaries, provided medicines and medical supplies, trained and paid the salaries of nurses, established preventive health programs, and sent medical teams to work in clinics and dispensaries. The program also brings patients from Haiti to the U.S. if they need surgery which is difficult or impossible to get inside Haiti.
The Voluntary Health Program (VHP) is a nonprofit health care program which focuses on providing primary medical and surgical eye care to under-served rural areas in Central America and the Dominican Republic. VHP conducts short term missions offering comprehensive on site diagnosis, surgical and medical treatment of eye diseases as well as the distribution of corrective glasses.
VOSH volunteers are optometrists, opticians, ophthalmologists, and medical personnel in 33 chapters. During the year 2003 VOSH completed more than 90 missions serving over 140,000 people. Missions are from one to two weeks. In addition VOSH has helped establish permanent eye clinics in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Mexico . Their programs provide recycled eyeglasses, treat eye disease and perform eye surgery.
Volunteers Around the World conducts short term medical and dental missions to several countries worldwide, including Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.
VIMM teams take medical care, medication, vitamins, supplies & Christian love and concern to impoverished areas of the world. Teams travel to Honduras, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala.
Specializing in total knee replacements, Walk South undertakes week-long medical missions in underserved countries including Honduras.
The Washington Overseas Mission is a humanitarian aid organization that has been sending medical, dental and construction teams to Honduras and Central America for more than 10 years. Based in the small town of Washington Missouri, their volunteers have helped to improve the lives and health of over 100,000 people in this region of Central America.
Waves of Health is a non-profit organization providing primary medical care to underserved communities in the developing world, including the Dominican Republic. In addition to conducting annual medical missions, Waves of Health aims to educate healthcare professionals about the health problems prevalent within the communities they serve.
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